
शनि की महादशा में शनि के अन्तर्दशा का फल


                     शनि की महादशा में शनि के अन्तर्दशा का फल 

१  खेती में वृद्धि हो,नौकर और भैसो में वृद्धि हो अर्थात जातक अधिक नौकर रखे और रोजगार में वृद्धि होवात रोग       हो किसी शूद्र जाति व्यक्ति से धन का लाभ हो कुछ अधिक उम्र की स्त्री प्राप्त हो आलस्य और पाप बड़े। 


                    शनि की महादशा में बुध  के अन्तर्दशा का फल 

२  सौभाग्य में वृद्धि हो राजा  सत्कार मिले ,अर्थात समाज के सम्मानित से सम्मान मिले। विजय प्राप्त हो।,                    मित्रो से सहयोग प्राप्त हो स्त्री की प्राप्ति हो और सुख मिले। किन्तु वात, पित्त, कफ इन तीनो में से  किसी                 एक या अधिक दोषो के कारण रोग हो ,या जातक के भाई ,बहन या पुत्र को बीमारी हो। 

                    शनि की महादशा में केतु के अन्तर्दशा का फल   

३  हवा और अग्नि से पीड़ा हो या जातक के शरीर में वायु या गर्मी से विकार हो शत्रुओ से संताप हो अपनी 

     स्त्री और  पुत्र से सदैव झगड़ा रहे, अशुभ बाते देखनी पड़े। और सर्पोसे भय हो।

                  शनि की महादशा में शुक्र  के अन्तर्दशा का फल      

४   स्त्री ,पुत्रो और मित्रो  सुख हो ,खेती और इम्पोर्ट, एक्सपोर्ट  धन संग्रह हो समुद्र पार से जहाज

      द्रारा जो वस्तु  लाई ले जाती हो उनसे लाभ मिलता है इस अन्तर्दशा में जातक का यश फैलता है।  

                         शनि की महादशा में सूर्य  के अन्तर्दशा का फल 

५  जातक की मृत्यु या सदैव शत्रु का  रहे गुरुजनो रोग हो। जातक को स्वयं को उदार-विकार या नेत्र

     रोग हो धन और धान्य का नाश हो।

                शनि की महादशा में चंद्र के अन्तर्दशा का फल

६  जातक की स्त्री नष्ट हो या स्वयं की मृत्यु हो। मित्रो पर विपत्ति पड़े जल और वायु के कारण 

     अति भय हो और जातक रोग का बहुत भय हो।    

                शनि की महादशा में मंगल के अन्तर्दशा का फल

७   जातक की नोकरी  छूटे,या  पर आसीन है उस पद  हटाया जाय। आपने आदमियों से झगड़ा हो 

      अथवा रोग ज्वर,अग्नि शस्त्र और विष से भय हो शत्रु की वृद्धि हो,हर्निया से कष्ट हो या नेत्र 

      रोग हो। 

                शनि की महादशा में राहु के अन्तर्दशा का फल

८  जातक ख़राब रस्ते पर जावे प्राणो का संकट हो, प्रमेह गुल्म ज्वर ,चोट आदि से पीड़ा हो। शनि 

    और राहु दोनों क्रूर गृह है। इस कारण क्रूर-ग्रह की महादशा में क्रूर -ग्रह की अन्तर्दशा पीड़ा कारक

     होती है। 

               शनि की महादशा में गुरु  के अन्तर्दशा का फल 

९   यह अंतर्दशा शुभ होती है। देवताओ के पूजन और गुरु जानो में विशेष रूचि हो अपनी स्त्री पुत्र आदि

     के साथ जातक  सुख-पूर्वक आपने घर में रहे धन और धन्य की अधिक वृद्धि हो।  




                                                                                                                                            Sharad Kumar



शुक्र की महादशा में अन्तर्दशा का फल




१ : शुक्र की महादशा में शुक्र की अन्तर्दशा का फल 

    वस्त्र आभूषण सवारी चन्दन आदि खुशबूदार पदार्थ की प्राप्ति हो,स्त्री भोग सुख और संपत्ति                                   मिले,राजा से  धन की प्राप्ति हो, जातक को सुख प्राप्त हो ,

२ : शुक्र की महादशा में सूर्य की अन्तर्दशा का फल

      नेत्र विकार हो,राजा से भय प्राप्त हो अर्थात  राजा की तरफ से कोई टंटा खड़ा हो गुरुजन ,कुटुंब के                         आदमी अथवा बंधुओ को पीड़ा हो इस अन्तर्दशा का फल उत्तम  नहीं है। 

३ : शुक्र की महादशा में चंद्र की अन्तर्दशा का फल

      नख (नाख़ून) सिर और दांतो में चोट लगे या पीड़ा हो ,वायु और पित्त की बीमारी हो धन का नाश हो,

          शारीरिक कष्ट हो (पेट से सम्बंधित )

४ : शुक्र की महादशा में मंगल की अन्तर्दशा का फल

           रुधिरदोष तथा पित्त के कारण बीमारी हो ,सोना, तांबा और भूमि का संग्रह हो जिस कार्य में मनुष्य                           लगा  हो उसे छोड़ना पड़े,किसी युवती से अनुचित सम्बन्ध हो। 

५ : शुक्र की महादशा में राहु की अन्तर्दशा का फल

      धन  की प्राप्ति हो, पुत्र की उत्त्पति आदि शुभ फल है जातक उत्तम वाणी  है उसके कुल के लोग उसका                 आदर करते है , और जातक आपने शत्रु पर विजयी प्राप्त करता है हो सकता है की जातक के शत्रु को जेल              जाना पड़े, किन्तु जातक स्वयं को भी कष्ट होता है। जातक को भी विष ,अग्नि और चोर  हो ,

६ : शुक्र की महादशा में बर्हस्पति की अन्तर्दशा का फल 

           नाना प्रकार के धर्म के  कार्य बन पड़े ,देवताओ का पूजन हो ,अपने पुत्र और स्त्री से समागम                                 रहे राज्य में नाना प्रकारके सुख मिले अर्थात उत्तम पद और अधिकार के कारण जातक को                                   सुख मिले। 

७ : शुक्र की महादशा में शनि की अन्तर्दशा का फल

     सरकार  से सेना के लोगो से और नागरिको से सम्मान प्राप्त हो, उत्तम स्त्री  प्राप्ति हो नाना                                     प्रकार के धनागम हो और सुख के अन्य उपकरणों की प्राप्ति हो 

८  : शुक्र की महादशा में बुध अन्तर्दशा का फल

      पुत्र सुख हो, संपत्ति का समागम हो ; यश, प्रभुता  सुख की प्राप्ति हो जातक के शत्रु का नाश                                   हो किन्तु जातक का स्वंम का वात ,पित्त कफ ,इन त्रिदोषों में से किसी एक या अधिक                                            दोषो से स्वाथ बिगड़े। 

९  : शुक्र की महादशा में केतु  की अन्तर्दशा का फल

    अग्नि से भय हो,शरीर में किसी अंग पीड़ा हो। संपत्ति नष्ट हो सुख की कमी रहे और वेश्याओ की                               संगति रहे, पुत्र से विरह हो।    


     ऊपर जो दशा अंतरदशा का फल कहा गया है : वह जातक की परिस्थिति ,वह किस पद है। क्या  कार्य                  करता है। इन सब बातो का विचार करना चाहिए।  


                                                                                                                                           Sharad Kumar




केतु की महादशा में अन्तर्दशा का फल

                                          केतु  की महादशा का फल

      १- केतु की महादशा केतु की अंतर्दशा का फल 



शत्रुओ से कलह हो, मित्रो से विरोध हो, अशुभ बचन सुनने पड़े ,शरीर में बुखार तथा तपिश की         बीमारी हो  (शरीर के किसी भाग में जलन ) दुसरो के घर जाना  पड़े। 

२ - केतु की महादशा में  शुक्र  की अंतर्दशा का फल 

  शत्रुओ श्रेष्ठ बर्हमणों से कलह हो, अपनी स्त्री तथा कुल लोगो से  विरोध  हो जातक के घर में           कन्या का  जन्म  हो, जातक मान हानि हो या उसे नीचा  पड़े , तथा उसे और  कष्ट पहुंचे। 


३ - केतु की महादशा में सूर्य की अन्तर्दशा का फल



किसी गुरु जन का मरण हो, अपने  लोगो से कष्ट मिले,ज्वर से कष्ट हो,राजा या                  सरकर  कीओर  कलह उपस्थित हो, वात या कफ जनित रोग हो ,किन्तु विदेश लाभ हो,


४ - केतु की महादशा में चंद्र की अन्तर्दशा का फल



अचानक बहुत धन का लाभ हो और बहुत नुकशान हो,पुत्र से विरह हो ,घर में ऐसी प्रसूति               (बच्चा पैदाहोना) हो जिसके करण दुःख  उठाना पड़े ,नौकरो और कन्या संतित का लाभ हो| 


५ - केतु की महादशा में मंगल की अन्तर्दशा का फल



अपने पुरखे लोगो से कलह हो,अपने बंधुओ का नाश हो,शर्प, चोर,और अग्नि से भय हो शत्रु से         पीड़ा हो,


६- केतु की महादशा में राहु की अन्तर्दशा का फल   



शत्रुओ  कलह उपस्थि हो, राजा से अग्नि से और चोर से भय हो,शत्रु से पीड़ा हो, दुष्ट लोगो की         वाणी सुननी पड़े , और दुसरो हानि पहुंचने वाले कर्म जातक करे।  


७ - केतु की महादशा में गुरु की अन्तर्दशा का फल



श्रेष्ठ पुत्र की उत्पति हो, देवताओ का पूजन हो ,धन की प्रप्ति अथवा भूमि से धन की प्रप्ति               



        सस्कृति में गुरुजन का अर्थ गुरु या आचार्य ही नहीं होता,  पिता, चाचा,जयेष्ठ भाई ,मामा              ताऊ मौसा,ससुर ,या गुरु सब गुरुजन के अंतर्गत आ जाते है माता ,दादी ,बाबा आदि को भी            गुरुजन मेही समझना चाहिए | 

        जगह जगह से भेट मिले राजा या सर्कार से सम्मान प्राप्त हो इस अन्तर्दशा का उत्तम फल             प्राप्त होगा |  


 ८ - केतु की महादशा में शनि  की अन्तर्दशा का फल



नौकरो सकी हानि हो,दुसरो से कष्ट मिले शत्रो से झगड़ा हो जकात का अंग भंग हो स्थान              (नौकरी या माकन)छूटे और धन की हानि हो इस अंतर्दशा का बहुत अनिष्ट फल है | 


९ - केतु की महादशा में बुद्ध  की अन्तर्दशा का फल 



उत्तम पुत्र की उत्पत्ति हो, अपने मालिक प्रसंसा प्राप्त हो भूमि और धन की प्राप्ति हो,किन्तु          किसी बड़े शत्रु  द्रारा जातक सताया जाये। पशु और खेती का नुकशान हो , अंतरदशा का                मिश्रित फल है | .     





                                                                                                                                           Sharad Kumar







बुध की महादशा में अन्तर्दशा का फल

                       बुध की महादशा में अन्तर्दशा का फल    

१ - बुध  की महा दशा में बुध की  अंतरदशा का फल

         जातक धर्म मार्ग पर चले विद्वानों से समागम  हो , जातक की निर्मल बुद्धी हो और बारहणो से धन की                 प्रप्ति हो विद्या के कारन उत्तम यश प्राप्त हो सदैव  सुख मिले।

२ - बुध की महादशा में केतु की  अंतरदशा फल
      दुःख शोक और कलह से मन व्याकुल रहे जातक का बदन कांपे  शत्रुओ से समागम हो कहे और सवारी                   नष्ट हो। 

३ - बुध की महादशा में शुक्र की  अंतरदशा फल  
         देवता ब्राह्मण और गुरुओ  का पूजन हो दान और धर्म में जातक लगा रहे वस्त्र और भूषणो  की प्रप्ति                   हो मित्रो से समागम हो | 

४ - बुध  की महादशा में सूर्य की अंतरदशा का फल 
      मूंगे सुर्णा घोड़े हाथी सहित माकन की प्राप्ति हो जातक को खाने पिने का सुख  रहे और राजा से सम्मान               प्राप्त हो | 

५ - बुध  की महादशा में चंद्र  की अंतरदशा का फल
         सिर  में पीड़ा  कस्ट में अधिक पीड़ा नेत्र विकार कोढ़, दादआदि  की बीमारी का भय होता है जातक के                    प्राणों  का संसय उपस्थित  है | 
      हमारे  विचारो से दोनों बुध और चंद्र में मारकत्व होने से ही ऐसा अनिष्ट होगा अन्थया नहीं

६ - बुध  की महादशा में मंगल की अंतरदशा का फल
         अग्नि से भय हो, नेत्र का रोग हो ,चोरी का भय हो और जातक सदैव दुखी रहे। जातक का स्थान हानि हो              अर्थात  उसका पद या माकन छूट जाये वात रोग से भी कष्ट होने की सम्भावना है | यह सब  फल बुध की               महादशा में जब मंगल की अंतर्दशा जाती है तब होते हैं | 

७ - बुध  की महादशा में राहु की अंतरदशा का फल     
          मस्तक  ,नेत्र तथा उदर में पीड़ा हो  अपना छय हो अर्थात रोग के कारन जातक का शरीर कमजोर होता                 चला जाये या जातक के धन का नाश हो अग्नि विष और जल से भय हो जातक की मन हानि हो या जिस                पद पर कायम हो हटाया जाय |

-  बुध  की महादशा में वृहस्पति की अंतरदशा का फल 

        शत्रु का नाश हो रोग से निवर्त्रि हो धार्मिक बातो में सिद्धि प्राप्त हो और राजा से सम्मान मिले तपस्या                   और धर्म की ओर विशेष अभिरुचि हो 

९-   बुध  की महादशा में  शनि की अंतरदशा का फल
          धर्म और अर्थ का नाश हो सब कार्यो में विफलता मिले वात और कफ के कारन रोग हौ |

                                                                             Sharad Kumar






Own house: 6
Best houses : 3, 6, 9, 10, 12
Weak houses: 8, 7, 11
Colour: Black white
Enemy planets: Moon, Mars
Friendly planets: Venus, Rahu
Neutral planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Sun
Exalted: 5, 9, 12
Debilitated: 6, 8
Time: Early in the morning (Sun rise)
Day: Sunday
Disease: Joints, Urine, Feet, Legs
Substitute: Venus + Saturn (Exalted) Moon + Saturn (Debilitated)
Ketu black  white coloured, blessed with son, travelling and propriety. If Rahu is the supporter of evil, Ketu supports good deeds.
Objects related to Ketu are son, grandson (daughter's son), child, advisor, farsightedness, dog, pig, lizard, male bird, donkey, rabbit, porter, innocent rat, interest, ear, leg, spinal chord, cat's eye, sesame, sour, banana, blackwhite blanket, tamarind, cot, onion, garlic, etc.
Jupiter helps Ketu to overcome its weakness and enable it to give auspicious effects. Moon and Mars are inimical to Ketu. Hence whenever they unite with Ketu, it becomes debilitated. That is why when natal wears gold in ears, it increases the power of Ketu and gives power to natal to give birth to son.

Ketu : Effects and Remedies

Ketu, according to the author of Lal Kitab, represents son, grandson, ear, spine etc. 6th house is considered to be its 'Pucca Ghar.' It gives its exalted effect when in 5th, 9th or 12th house and its debilitated effect in 6th and 8th house. Dawn is its time and it represents Sunday.

Ketu represents the opposite node of Ketu, in the tail of the serpent. Its colours are black and white. Venus and Rahu are its friends, whereas Moon and Mars are its enemies . Forty two years is the age of Ketu. Ketu is also considered to be the bed. So the bed given by in-laws after marriage is considered to be auspicious for the birth of a son and as long as that bed is in the house, the effect of Ketu can never be inauspicious.

Ketu in 1st House

If Ketu is auspicious or benefic in this house, the native will be laborious, rich and happy, but will always be concerned and troubled because of his progeny. He may fear frequent transfers or travels, but ultimately it would always be postponed.
Whenever Ketu comes in 1st house in Varsha Kundli there may be birth of a son or nephew. there may also be a long journey. The native with Ketu in 1st house will always be beneficial for his father and/or guru and causes exaltation of Sun.
If ketu in 1st house is malefic, the native would suffer from headache. His wife would have health problems and would have worries concerning kids. If 2nd and 7th houses are empty then Mercury and Venus would also give bad results. There would be travels, transfers with no gain. If Saturn is malefic it would destroy father and guru.
If Sun is in 7th or 8th house then after the birth of a grandson the health would suffer. No alms should be given in morning and evening.


1. Feed jaggery (gur) to monkeys.
2. Apply saffron as Tilak.
3. If offspring is troubled then donate a black and white blanket to temple.

Ketu in 2nd House

2nd house is affected by Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu in 2nd house is benefic then one gets paternal property. One has to travel a lot and his travels are fruitful. Venus gives good results, irrespective of its position. Moon would give bad results. If Sun is in 12th house then one starts earning his livelihood after twenty four years and is happy. If Jupiter is exalted along with Ketu in 2nd house, then income would be in lacs of rupees. If Ketu in 2nd house is malefic, then one has to travel to dry areas. One cannot rest at one place and would be wandering from place to place. Income may be good, but so would be the expenditure. Thus net gain would be negligible. If there is Moon or Mars in 8th house then native's life would be short and he would have serious problem at the age of sixteen or twenty years. If 8th house is empty then Ketu would give malefic results.


1. Apply turmeric or saffron as tilak.
2. One should not be of loose character.
3. If one religiously visits temples and bows his head there then Ketu in 2nd house would give      good results.

Ketu in 3rd House

3rd house is affected by Mercury and Mars, both enemies of Ketu. Number 3 would have an important role in the life of the native. If Ketu in 3rd house is benefic then his children would be good. The native would be god fearing and a gentleman. If Ketu is in 3rd house and Mars is in 12th then the native has a son before 24th year of age. The son would be good for wealth and longevity of the native. The native with Ketu in 3rd house usually gets a job, which entails long travels.
If Ketu in 3rd house is malefic then native loses money in litigation. He gets separated from his wife/sisters-in-law. If such a native lives in a house with its main gate facing south, he will have serious problems regarding children. Such a native cannot say no to any thing and so will always have worries. He will have troubles from his brothers and will have to travel uselessly.


1. Use saffron as tilak.
2. Wear gold.
3. Offer jaggery, rice in flowing water.

Ketu in 4th house

4th house belongs to Moon, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu is benefic in 4th house then the native is god fearing and lucky for his father and guru. Son is born to such a native only after getting the blessings of one's guru. The son born lives long. Such a native leaves all his decisions to God. If moon is in 3rd or 4th house the result is benefic. Such a native is a good adviser and will never have shortage of money. If Ketu is malefic in this house then the native is unhealthy, his mother is troubled, there is loss of happiness. One may suffer from diabetes. A son is born after thirty six years of age. Such a native has more daughters than sons.


1. Keep a dog.
2. Wear silver for peace of mind.
3. Offer yellow things in flowing water.

Ketu in 5th House

5th house belongs to Sun. It is also affected by Jupiter. If Jupiter, Sun or Moon is in 4th, 6th or 12th house then one's financial condition will be excellent and the native will have five sons. Ketu becomes benefic by itself after twenty four years of age. If Ketu in 5th house is malefic then the native suffers from asthma. Ketu gives malefic results till five years of age. Sons will not survive. Livelihood starts after twenty four years of age. The native is unlucky for ones sons.


1. Donate milk and sugar.
2. The remedies of Jupiter would be useful.

Ketu in 6th House

6th house belongs to Mercury. Ketu in 6th house is considered debilitated. This is 'Pucca' house of Ketu. Here again the effect of Ketu depends upon the nature of Jupiter. It gives good result regarding son. The native is a good adviser.
If Jupiter is benefic then the native has a long life and his mother is happy and the life is peaceful. If any two of the male planets viz Sun, Jupiter, Mars are in good position then Ketu is benefic.
If Ketu is malefic in 6th house then maternal uncle suffers . The native has to suffer due to useless travels. People turn into enemies without any reason. The native suffers from skin diseases. If Moon is in 2nd house then mother suffers and even the native's old age is troubled.


1. Wear golden ring in the finger of left hand.
2. Drink milk with saffron and wear gold in the ear.
3. Heat up a rod of gold and then dip it in milk. Then drink it. It would restore mental peace,          increase longevity and is good for sons.
4. Keep a dog.

Ketu in 7th House

7th house belongs to Mercury and Venus . If Ketu in 7th house is benefic then the native gets the wealth of forty years in twenty four years of age. The wealth increases in proportion to the children one has. The native's enemies are frightened of the native. If one has the help of Mercury, Jupiter or Venus then the native is never disappointed.
If Ketu in 7th house is malefic then the native is usually ill, makes false promises and is troubled by enemies till thirty four years of age. If there are more than one planet in Lagna then ones children are destroyed. If one abuses then the native is destroyed. If Ketu is with Mercury then after thirty four years of age the native's enemies are destroyed by themselves.


1. Never make a false promise, be proud, or abusive.
2. Use saffron as Tilak.
3. In case of serious trouble use the remedies of Jupiter.

Ketu in 8th house

8th house belongs to Mars, which is an enemy of Ketu. If Ketu in 8th house is benefic then the native begets a son at thirty four years of age, or after the marriage of ones sister or daughter. If Jupiter or Mars are not in 6th and 12th house then Ketu does not give malefic results. similar effect is there when Moon is in 2nd house. If Ketu in 8th house is malefic then the native's wife has ill health. son will not be born, or may die. The native may suffer from diabetes or urinary problem. If Saturn or Mars are in 7th then the native is unlucky. In case of malefic Ketu in 8th house the native's character determines the health of his wife. After twenty six years of age the family life suffers.


1. Keep a dog.
2. Donate a black and white blanket in any temple.
3. Worship lord Ganesha.
4. Wear gold in the ear.
5. Use saffron as tilak.

Ketu in 9th House

9th house belongs to Jupiter, which favours Ketu. Ketu in 9th house is considered to be exalted. Such a native is obedient and lucky. It increases ones wealth. If Ketu is benefic then one earns wealth through ones own labour. There will be progress but no transfer. If one keeps gold brick in his house then wealth comes. The son of such a native is able to guess the future. One spends a big part of his life in foreign land. One has at least three sons and if 2nd house is auspicious then Ketu gives excellent results . If Moon is auspicious then the native helps his mother's family. If Ketu in 9th house is malefic then the native suffers from urinary problems, pain in back, problem in legs. The native's sons keep on dying.


1. Keep a dog.
2. Establish a rectangular piece of gold anywhere in the house.
3. Wear gold in the ear.
4. Respect elders, specially father-in-law.

Ketu in 10th house

10th house belongs to Saturn. The effect of Ketu here depends upon the nature of Saturn. If ketu is benefic here then the native is lucky, concerned about himself and opportunist. His father dies early. If Saturn is in 6th then one is a famous player. If one keeps on forgiving his brothers for their misdeeds the native will go on progressing. If the character of native is good then he earns a lot of wealth. If Ketu in 10th house is malefic then one suffers from urinary and ear problems. The native has pain in bones. The domestic life is full of worries and troubled if Saturn is in 4th house. Three sons would die.


1. Keep silver pot full of honey in the house.
2. Keep a dog, specially after forty eight years of age.
3. Avoid adultery.
4. Use the remedies of Moon and Jupiter.

Ketu in 11th House

Here Ketu is considered very good. It gives wealth. This house is affected by Jupiter and Saturn. If Ketu is benefic here and Saturn is in 3rd house, it gives enormous wealth. The wealth earned by the native is more than his paternal wealth, but one tends to worry about his future. If Mercury is in 3rd it leads to Raj Yoga. If Ketu is malefic here then the native has problem in his abdomen. The more he worries about future, more troubled he is. grandmother or mother of the native suffers, if Saturn is also malefic. Then there would be no benefit from son or house.


1. Keep black dog.
2. Wear an onyx or emerald.

Ketu in 12th House

Here Ketu is considered to be exalted. The native is wealthy, achieves a big position and spends on good works. If Rahu is in 6th house, along with Mercury, then the effect is even better. One has all the benefits and luxuries of life. If Ketu in 12th house is malefic then one buys land from an issueless person and the native becomes issueless himself. If one kills dogs Ketu gives malefic results. If 2nd house has Moon, Venus or Mars, Ketu gives malefic results.


1. Worship Lord Ganesha.
2. Do not have a loose character.
3. Keep a dog.
4. Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.


(1) Practice one remedy at one time.
(2) Practice the remedies maximum for 43 days and minimum for 40 days.
(3) Practice them fully. If there occurs any interruption, resume the remedies again.
(4) Perform the remedies from sun-rise to sun-set.
(5) Remedies can also be practiced by some of the kin i .e. brother, father or son etc as well.

KETU in Lal Kitab

Like Rahu, Ketu is also a chhaya graha (shadow planet), i.e. it is not believed to have an independent existence as a planet. It is associated with Saturn.


Ketu is strange looking, black white or smoke coloured. The person dominated by the influence of Ketu is lean and short. The upper portion of the body is heavily built but the lower part is comparatively thin. He has big ears and the temple region is quite prominent. The eyes are red and he has loud voice. He is possessed by inferior desires, is obstinate and cruel in temperament. If Ketu is favourable the person proves to be extremely loyal to his master or anyone he considers as his mentor.
Ketu governs ears, feet, almost the entire body except the head portion, backbone, urinary tube, etc. It regulates penance, silence, salvation, greed, slandering names of others, speaking, hearing, etc.

Relation with zodiac and other planets

Ketu is associated with the zodiac Pisces. It holds an exalted position when placed in the house of Sagittarius.
Friends  Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Rahu
Enemies  Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral  Jupiter

Ketu according to Lal Kitab

Ketu is a great adviser, a messenger of peace and the lord of voyage. It is the planet which extends its support to the person till the end of his life but if it is unfavourable it beats the person in some way or the other and deprives him of everything. No matter how badly it may afflict a person but he never goes to the extreme of killing him.
Ketu tends to be beneficial if it is placed with Jupiter. It acts as a seat of Jupiter on which Jupiter meditates or sits like a faithful dog of the saint which is none else but Jupiter.
Ketu tends to be a means to salvation. It is generally pleased by offering chapatis to dogs.

House of Ketu

The house is generally related with children. The environment is not good. The people living there often face deception. The house is located in a corner. Either there are houses on three sides with one side vacant or there is a house on one side while the remaining three sides around the house are open. There shall not be more than three sons or grandsons. If there is one son, then he shall have three grandsons but if he has three sons then only one son and grandson shall survive. There will be a road leading to two sides from the front of the house. One of its adjoining house would be in ruins or an open field where dogs roam about.

If you want any remedies contact with us 


Sharad kumar



Own House: 12
Best Houses: 3, 4, 6
Weak Houses: 1, 2, 5, 7, 12
Colour: Blue
Enemy Planets: Sun, Mars, Venus
Friendly Planets: Saturn, Mercury, Ketu
Neutral Planets: Jupiter, Moon
Work: Related with Electricity
Exalted: 3, 6
Debilitated: 8, 9, 11
Time: Noon
Day: Thursday evening
Disease: Fever
Substitute : Mars + Saturn (Superior) Sun + Saturn (Inferior)
Rahu is the friend of the deprived. It acts as the assistant of Saturn if it is seated with it. But if it is placed in the house before Saturn then the natal shall become a king or an administrator. If it falls under the aspect of Rahu then the effect of Sun is very beneficial, but if Saturn falls in its aspect, then Rahu becomes inferior. It is a shadow planet and the lord of Capricorn. Its favourable signs are Gemini (3), Virgo (6), Pisces (12), Capricorn (6) while inimical signs are Cancer (4), Leo (5).
Rahu governs valour, courage, obesity, wrestling, sin, action, sorrow, worry, trouble, etc.
In the absence of Mars, Rahu behaves like the unruly elephant. It brings obstacles to the house where it sits.

Rahu : Effects and Remedies

Unlike other planets of the solar system Rahu and Ketu are not observable, substantial heavenly bodies, with shape or mass content. Rightly termed as shadowy planets, their movement is interrelated and as parts of one body they are at all times just opposite to each other . Greater significance has been attached to the role of Rahu in influencing human affairs in various dimensions, especially in Kaliyug.
The author of Lal Kitab describes Saturn as a serpent and Rahu and Ketu as its head and tail respectively. As a node of moon, Rahu shall not provide adverse results so long as 4th house or moon is not afflicted. He gives good results when Mars occupies houses 3 and 12, or when Sun and Mercury are in house 3, or when he himself is posited in 4th house. Rahu further provides good results if placed together with Mercury or expected by him.
Rahu offers highly beneficial effects if placed in houses earlier than Saturn. But if it is otherwise, Saturn becomes stronger and Rahu acts as his agent. Sun provides very good results when Rahu is expected by Saturn, but Rahu gives the effects of a debilitated planet when Saturn is expected by Rahu.
Rahu gets exalted in houses 3 and 6, whereas he gets debilitated in houses 8, 9 and 11. 12th house is his 'Pakka Ghar' and he proves highly auspicious in houses 3,4 and 6. Saturn, Mercury and Ketu are his friends, whereas Sun, Mars and Venus are his enemies. Jupiter and moon are neutral to him.
If Sun and Venus are placed together in a horoscope, Rahu will generally provide adverse results. Similarly, Rahu will provide bad results if Saturn and Sun are also combined in a horoscope. Here Mars will also become Mars negative. If Ketu is placed in houses earlier than Rahu, Rahu will provide adverse results, whereas Ketu's effect  would be zeroed.

Rahu in 1st House

1st house is influenced by Mars and Sun, which is like a throne. The planet in 1st house is considered to be the king of all planets.
The native will achieve a position higher than indicated by his qualification and will obtain good results from government. Rahu in this house would give the result of exalted Sun, but it will spoil the fruits of the house in which Sun is placed. If Mars, Saturn and Ketu are weak only then Rahu would give bad results, otherwise it will give good results in 1st house. If Rahu is malefic the native should never take any electric equipments or blue/black clothes from his in-laws, else his son could be affected adversely. its malefic result too could last till the age of 42 years.


1. Offer 400 gm lead in running water .
2. Wear silver in the neck.
3. Mix barley in milk in ratio of 1:4 and offer in running water.
4. Offer coconut in running water.

Rahu in 2nd House

If Rahu is in benefic form in 2nd house one gets money, prestige and lives like a king. He will have a long life. 2nd house is influenced by Jupiter and Venus. If Jupiter is benefic then the native will live the early years of his life in wealth and comfort. If Rahu is malefic the native will be poor and have a bad family life, suffer from intestinal disorders. The native is killed by a weapon and is unable to save money. In the 10th, 21st to 42nd years of his life, he loses wealth by theft etc.


1. Keep a solid silver ball in the pocket.
2. Wear things associated with Jupiter, like gold, yellow cloth, saffron etc.
3. Keep cordial relations with ones mother.
4. After marriage do not take any electric equipment from in-laws.

Rahu in 3rd House

It is the 'Pukka Ghar' of Rahu. 3rd house belongs to Mercury and is influenced by Mars. When Rahu is benefic the native will enjoy great wealth and a long life. He will be fearless and a loyal friend. He would be a clairvoyant for seeing future in his dreams. He will never be issueless. He will be victorious over his enemies; can never be a debtor. He would leave behind property. 22nd year of his life would be of progress. However if Rahu is malefic in 3rd house then his brothers and relatives would waste his money. His money once borrowed would never be returned. He would have defective speech and would be an atheist. If Sun and Mercury are also there (in 3rd house) with Rahu then his sister would become a widow in 22nd or 32nd year of his life.


1. Never keep ivory or things of ivory in the house.

Rahu in 4th House

This house belongs to moon, which is an enemy of Rahu. When Rahu is benefic in this house the native would be intelligent, wealthy and will spend money on good things. Going on pilgrimage would be beneficial for him. If Venus is also benefic then after marriage the native's in-laws could also become rich and the native would also benefit from them.
When Moon is exalted the native would become very rich and would benefit from the works or relatives associated with Mercury. If Rahu is malefic and the Moon is also weak then the native will suffer from poverty and native's mother would also suffer. Collecting char coal, altering toilet, installing oven in the ground and alteration of the roof in the house would be indicative of malefic.


1. Wear silver.
2. Offer 400 gm coriander or almonds, or both in flowing water.

Rahu in 5th House

5th house belongs to Sun, which signifies male offspring. If Rahu is benefic native will be rich, wise, enjoy good health. He would enjoy good income and good progress. The native would be a devout or philosopher. If Rahu is malefic it leads to abortions. After the birth of a son, wife's health will suffer for twelve years. If Jupiter is also in 5th house father of native will be in trouble.


1. Keep an elephant made of silver.
2. Abstain from wine, non-vegetarianism and adultery.
3. Remarry your wife.

Rahu in 6th House (Exalted)

This house is influenced by Mercury or Ketu. Here Rahu is exalted and gives very good results. The native will be free of all botherations or troubles. The native will spend money on clothes. The native will be intelligent and victorious. When Rahu is malefic he will harm his brothers or friends. When mercury or Mars is in 12th house Rahu gives bad result. The native suffers from various ailments or loss of wealth. Sneezing while going to work would give bad results.


1. Keep a black dog.
2. Keep a lead nail in your pocket.
3. Never harm ones brothers/sisters.

Rahu in 7th House

Native will be rich, but wife would suffer. He would be victorious over his enemies. If the marriage takes place before twenty one years, it would be inauspicious. He would have good relations with the government. But if he engages in business connected with Rahu, like electrical equipments, then he will have losses. Native would suffer from head ache and if Mercury, Venus or Ketu is in 11th house, then sister, wife or son would destroy the native.


1. Never marry before 21st year of age.
2. Offer six coconuts in river.

Rahu in 8th House

8th house is concerned with Saturn and Mars. So Rahu in this house gives malefic effect. The native would spend money uselessly on court cases. Family life would be adversely affected. If Mars is benefic and is placed in 1st or 8th house or Saturn (benefic) is placed in 8th house, the native will be very rich.


1. Keep a square piece of silver.
2. While sleeping Saunf should be keep under the pillow.
3. Do not work in electricity or power department.

Rahu in 9th House

9th house is influenced by Jupiter. If the native has good relation with ones brothers and sisters it is fruitful; else it would adversely affect the native. If the native is not religious minded then his progeny would be useless for him. Professions influenced by Saturn would be profitable.
If Jupiter is in 5th or 11th house then it is useless. If Rahu is inauspicious in 9th house then chances of begetting a son are less, specially if native files court cases against one's blood relation. Rahu is in 9th and 1st house is empty then health could be adversely affected and one gets insulted and mental problems, specially from olders.


1. Use Tilak of saffron daily.
2. Wear gold.
3. Always keep a dog (it saves ones progeny).
4. Have good relations with your in-laws.

Rahu in 10th House

Keeping ones head uncovered gives the effect of a debilitated Rahu in 10th house. The good or bad result of Rahu would depend upon Saturn's position. If Saturn is auspicious then native would be brave, long lived and rich and get respect from all quarters. If Rahu in 10th house is with Moon it gives Raja Yoga. The native is lucky for ones father. If Rahu in 10th house is malefic then it would adversely affect ones mother or native's health would also be bad. If Moon is alone in 4th house then native's eyes are adversely affected. He suffers from headaches and there is loss of wealth, because of a dark complexioned person .


1. Use blue or black cap.
2. Cover ones head.
3. Offer 4kg. or 400 gms of 'khand' in a temple, or in flowing water.
4. Feed blind people.

Rahu in 11th House

11th house is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. Native could be rich as long as his father is alive. Alternatively, establishing things of Jupiter would help. Native has wicked friends. He gets money from mean people. After the death of ones father he should wear gold in the neck. If Mars is malefic for a native with Rahu in 11th at time of his birth, there is every thing in his house, but every thing gets destroyed later. If Rahu in 11th house is malefic then the native has bad relations with his father or he may even kill him. Planet in 2nd house would act as enemy. If Jupiter/Saturn are in 3rd or 11th house then wear iron on the body and drink water in a silver glass. If ketu is in 5th house then Ketu gives bad results. There may be diseases of ear, spine, urinary problems etc. There may be losses associated with business concerned with Ketu.


1. Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water.
2. Never take any electric equipment as a gift.
3. Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of
an elephant.

Rahu in 12th House

12th house belongs to Jupiter. It signifies bedroom. Rahu here gives mental troubles, insomnia. It also leads to excessive expenditure on sisters and daughters. If Rahu is with its enemies then it becomes next to impossible to make ends meet, despite hard labour. It also leads to false allegations. One may even go to the extreme of contemplating suicide. One has mental worries.
Telling lies, deceiving others etc. may make Rahu even more malefic. If some body sneezes at the start of any new work if gives malefic effect. There may be theft, diseases or false allegations. If mars is with Rahu here, then it gives good results.


1. Take your meals in the kitchen itself.
2. Keep Saunf and khand under the pillow for good night's sleep.


(1) Practice one remedy at one time.
(2) Practice the remedies maximum for 43 days and minimum for 40 days.
(3) Practice them fully. If there occurs any interruption, resume the remedies again.
(4) Perform the remedies from sun-rise to sun-set.
(5) Remedies can also be practiced by some of the kin i .e. brother, father or son etc as well.

RAHU in Lal Kitab

Astrology also does not accept physical existence of Rahu and Ketu. They are known as chhaya graha (shadow planets). The function of Rahu and Ketu, it is believed, is to put obstacles and not allow any work to be completed.
According to the mythological references, Rahu is the son of the demon Harinyakashyap's daughter Singhika. In Puranas, it is referred to as a snake who stung the Sun.


Rahu is black, blue or smoke coloured. It is very ugly, terrific, tall and has a gigantic and huge body. It apparently looks like an old person and has a prominent chin. Its eyes are small like that of an elephant or it is single eyed. It suffers from ailments related to acidity. It is non religious, foolish, hypocrite and enjoys speaking ill of others and slandering their reputation. It is a liar and shameless creature. It is as selfish as a cat and is always on the look out for destructive ways.
The person ruled by Rahu is found  of collecting things but does not take care of them properly. In its favourable position Rahu helps in unveiling secret mysteries. It helps one in obtaining justice, is social reformer, but it believes
in ancient traditions.
Rahu governs the head portion of the body, arms, chin, nape and thoughts. It regulates conspiracy, plot hatching, deception, lying, forming a group, black marketing, spreading rumours, dreams, etc.

Relation with zodiacs and other planets

Rahu holds his position in the zodiac Virgo. It has an exalted position in the house of Gemini and is debilitated with Aquarius.
Friends  Mercury. Venus, Saturn, Ketu
Enemies  Sun, Moon, Mars
Neutral  Jupiter

Rahu according to Lal Kitab

Rahu is the lord of imagination and thinking capability of man in the universe. It helps man in protecting him by vanquishing enemies. It soothes the person on being hurt.
Rahu is the lord of the blue expanse of the sky. If it is favourable it is capable of making the world bow before him, but if malicious, it can harm the person by way of lightening, earthquake, volcano, theft, robbery or any kind of deception.
Rahu. and Ketu do not have an, mount in the palm of the hand but are reflected as net (Rahu) and trishual and swastika (Ketu). Rahu is pleased by donation of radish and dropping coal in flowing water. If Rahu is weak in a person's horoscope, he should give broken lentil gram (Masoor Dal) to the sweeper in the morning. It is also beneficial to give money as charity to the sweeper. Barley can be kept at the bedside and distributed among the animals or poor.

House of Rahu

There may be an unseen hole in the right hand side of the house when the person under the influence of Rahu is entering his house. There may be an outlet of water just under the main entrance. The neighbour living just opposite the house may be childless or no one might be living in that house. Terrace of the house might have been renovated several times but the walls might have remained the same. Dirty water might be accumulated just beside the house or there may be smoke emitting from the next door.

if you want any remedies contact with us 


Sharad kumar


नक्षत्र - फल

                                                             नक्षत्र-- फल 1  अश्विनी नक्षत्र - अश्विनी , नक्षत्र देवता - अश्विनीकुमार , नक्ष...